Tuesday, January 11, 2011

10K Training Plan

I researched a few 10K training plans before I came to the decision that I wanted to make my own. All the plans I found online had a few things in common. They all had a run that focused on pace with strength training afterwards, a run that was more relaxed but added in other cardio work, and a "long run" at the end of the week. Most of these plans took up about 5-6 days out of the week... Something I'm not ready to commit to for a 10K run.

My plan needed to be flexible and realistic for my schedule which means 3 days of runs per week.

Each week I will have a shorter run that focuses on pace and then strength exercises afterwards, a slightly longer run which will be slow and steady and then will do another form of cardio exercises, and finally a long run on the weekend to increase my mileage.
Here is my (color coded) plan starting January 22nd!

Week 1 :   1.5m + strength    2m + additional cardio        2.5m long run
Week 2:    2m + strength       2.5m + additional cardio     3m long run
Week 3:   2m + strength       2.5m + additional cardio     3.5m long run
Week 4:    2m + strength        2.5m + additional cardio     4m long run
Week 5:   2.5 m + strength      3m + additional cardio      4.5m long run
Week 6:   2.5 m + strength      3m + additional cardio     4.5m long run
Week 7:   2.5 m + strength      3m + additional cardio      5m long run
Week 8:   2.5 m + strength       3m + additional cardio      5.5m long run
Week 9:   2.5 m + strength      3m + additional cardio       6m long run
Week 10:  2.5 m + strength      3m + additional cardio      4.5m long run

Week of Race: 2.5 m + strength   3m + additional cardio     10K!!!

Not going to lie.. I'm kind of worried about the amount of miles towards the end of this plan but I'm going to do my best to stick to it!


  1. Great schedule, Tori. I think it's great how realistic you are about setting goals. So many of these fitness blogs recently have been turning me away with unattainable goals and calorie counts. Do you run in the mornings or night? Evenings are so busy for Daren and I, I normally go running in the morning. I think personalized plans are better than standardized work out plans. Is it hard to have a "real job" and go to the gym everyday?

  2. Thanks Krystal. I've never trained for anything before/made a "plan" so hopefully it works.. I found the same thing with the fitness blogs I read - some of these people are out running 6 miles every morning and then taking fitness classes every evening. No way I could stick to that type of schedule. I usually run after work when it is cold/dark in the mornings. During the summer, I try to run outside before work. Waking up in the morning to workout is always a little bit of a mental challenge for me but it is great to start your day with your run already in. Do you have any tips for early morning workouts?

    My work schedule and Jake's luckly fit together pretty well so we just try to coordinate our workouts as much as possible. It was definately a challenge going from a school schedule to a work schedule regarding workouts. I found that getting enough sleep at night is crucial when you have a 9-5 and want to hit the gym afterwards. I only go to the gym around 3 times a week which doesn't make it too hard. I know you are planning a wedding though which takes up a ton of time! That's impressive you can keep up with your workout schedule while wedding planning and getting ready for law school! I know that when shcedules get busy, workouts are often and unfortunately the first things that get dropped.

  3. Personally I feel a good night's sleep is really what helps me wake up in the morning. I try to never dread waking up. It's a challenge, but I have been working on it for about 2 years. I have been waking up before 6 without an alarm since I made the goal to not dread mornings. I have an espresso and latée machine which really helps.
    Right now, I am trying to stress relieve and keep toned with my workouts. I don't really want to bulk up muscles or loose weight. It stresses me out driving 45 minutes to downtown denver for school and babysitting during the week, so running gets a lot of that energy out I have found.
    I like the idea of a personalized schedule. If I can construct one with attainable goals then I may be able to execute it.
