Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week 3 Runs

Week 3, Run 1:

On Tuesday I headed to the gym still pretty upbeat and motivated from my long run on Sunday. I knocked out 2.5 miles on the treadmill in 22:20.

Distance: 2.5 miles
Time: 22:20
Time per Mile: 8:57

Afterward I did some weights and called it a night.

Week 3, Run 2:

Thursday I had to work a little late and keeping in mind that I needed to pick up Jake from his gym at 7, I was glad I had already knocked out my 2.5 mile run for the week. I ran a quick 2 miles and was out.

Distance: 2 miles
Time: 18:10
Time per mile: 9:05

Week 3, Run 3:

Today was so nice outside! It was 50 degrees and I was actually warm running in a long sleeve shirt. My time for this run was exactly stellar but I decided I don't want to concentrate on my pace and instead just getting through my long runs, period. I love running in Arlington. Yes, running in a city environment can be annoying with cars and stop lights, but my favorite places to run are the neighborhoods a few blocks away from the "city" areas. The houses are all so unique and adorable and I love finding new streets to run through and explore. Much to Jake and my disappointment, we found that these "cute" houses don't have such an cute price tag on them however... sigh...

Distance: 3.5 miles
Time: 36:34
Time per mile: 10:38

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