Monday, March 14, 2011

Week 7 Runs

Tuesday I got home from work, put on my running clothes, and headed out the door for my run. I tried the site and found a new 2.3 mile loop that was pretty interesting. I ran by one historical site for the old Glebe House which served as a parish since the 1700s. Pretty good run all in all :)

Friday rolled around faster then I anticipated and I decided to hit the gym after work. I ran 2 miles on the treadmill in 18:10 minutes. I had some extra energy and walked at a 3.5 mph speed at an incline for .25 miles and then sprinted .25 miles at a 7.5 pace. I hung around the gym and did some weights and such after. I'm glad I did since pizza and quite a few beers followed once we met up some friends to watch the Virginia Tech basketball game (which we won!!).

My long run was once again side tracked by a ski trip. Jake, our friend Josh, and I decided to head up to Liberty Ski Resort on Saturday to get in one last ski trip before the season ended. The weather was warm and sunny but the conditions were on the slushy side to say the least. It was like trying to ski on a Slurpee. The trip was still fun and we stayed out for almost 8 hours. I also had made a deal with Jake that I would give snow boarding a shot by the end of the season. I stuck to my word and actually was able to stand up, stop, and slightly steer by the end of Jake's lesson :) I think I'll give it another shot next year.
 Anyways, the combination of the long time on the slopes and the hard to ski slush pretty much made my legs jello for the rest of the weekend and I had to forgo my long run on Sunday. It wasn't a total loss though. With my extra time, I did make some chocolate coconut cupcakes to bring to a our friends' Sunday dinner. I'll post the recipe later this week :)

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