Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week 5 Runs

My new running strategy is to get in my runs between Monday - Sunday. As long as I get in 2 short runs and one long run I'm not going to beat myself up. This week was full of friend happy hours, work happy hours, and rain. On Tuesday I headed to the gym and hit the treadmill for a 2 mile run. Still hate the treadmill in case you were wondering. I was going to try to shoot for 2.5 but I was not liking the run at all and decided I would make it up in my next run which would hopefully be outside.
Distance: 2 miles
Time: 18:10
Time per mile: 9:05

I was bombarded with happy hours on the later part of the week which I needed to go to for work and wanted to go to for friends since I hadn't seen some of them in a while. I decided to try another early morning Friday run but I woke up to cold rain... ya that was definitely not happening. Saturday brought good weather and I hit the road for my late but better then never run. I didn't bring my Garmin but I know I jogged 2.5 - 2.75 miles.

Today was even more beautiful then Saturday. I woke up and immediately made myself some peanut butter toast and hit the road to tackle my 4 mile run I missed last week. It went surprisingly well and I enjoyed my run through some new neighborhoods I found. I also got semi lost about 2 miles in which was slightly nerve racking but made the time go by faster trying to get my bearings and trying new routes.
I'm excited I was able to make it through this run and can feel that I've made a lot of progress physically by sticking to my running plan (which isn't leading up to a race but whatever).

Pic of my post run Garmin runner :)
Time per mile: ~10:40

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